Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Merrill Lynch:SELL

Yesterday Greg Fleming,Merrill's co-president told his minions,that he has "tremendous confidence" in the company's long term prospects.I worry about his mental health.

When senior staff talking like this it means one of two things.Firstly he is about to leave the company and needs to prop up the equity to cash in as he goes.Or secondly he has no clue what's really wrong with Merrill.The senior management should look in the mirror,they are the problem.

Famous last words like this also mean they are tempting fate.Watch how the shares prices tanks in the coming weeks.


hmmm, actually was turning out to be quite a good day for Merrill shares last time I looked, although all equities were good today, so maybe it was just caught on the wave
not sure you can read too much into Fleming's optimism, he's sorta like a politician, what do you expect him to say?
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