Thursday, November 24, 2005
Currency Movements Dollar/Sterling:No way but down
- US Consumers love consuming- they will never stop spending that's their constitutional right seemingly. Long live imports from China/India etc.
- There is an unprecedentedd house price inflation boom in the US, as in the UK. Remember Tony is just Bush lite.
- Most currencies in the developed world have abandoned the gold standard - so all the dollars in the world are not really worth the paper they are written on, so to speak. Our own super smart chancellor sold UK gold reserves a few years back- now gold has hit multi year highs per troy ounce. Such a move in any other job would get you fired - but instead he will probably become PM .But I digress. So really all currencies are merely confidence tricks and bad ones at that.
- China has liberalised yuan/dollar to a semi-floating rate.
- Japan isn't going to keep buying US debt forever , and will probably dump some dollar reserves.
- Bernanke has said his policy will be to target inflation, unlike the the Bank of England at least he has a clear policy.
- Commodity prices will only go up due to demand in developing economies. Oil is back down from 70$ a barrel, but copper, platinum and gold are still going up. Why?Becausee these metals have some kind of intrinsic value not linked to the vagaries of market demand/supply. In other words they are not confidence tricks.
- The interest rate cycle in the US is probably at the top, consumers need cheap credit to keep spending . Cheap money and high institutional liquidity mean a rising stock market in the US .
So here's what will happen:
- The dollar will weaken - the US will just keep printing more dollars till they run out of paper.
- The US deficit will actually go up not down - this is a red herring - the US will never go out of business. When the economy slows down they will just start wars. Remember wars are always good for economies in the long term.
- Sterling will weaken vs dollar , because UK interest rates are suspiciously high for an economy in decline ( the government growth figures are basically fabrications as certain bodies have now pointed out)
What to do..a couple of ideas
Simple buy US assets( shares, property- whatever- avoid auto companies, obviously)
Go long dollar/sterling calls
How does that work ?
Why not wait till the neocons have destroyed the dollar...then buy US assets at knockdown prices.
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